A story of adventure and self-discovery. Each book in the Mustang Mountain series is a thrilling read filled with stories of friendship, adventure and intrigue. Fire Horse is the second in the series
A story of adventure and self-discovery. Each book in the Mustang Mountain series is a thrilling read filled with stories of friendship, adventure and intrigue. Fire Horse is the second in the series featuring three young heroines. Filled with harrowing twists, it will inspire young girls` imaginations.
As a child, Sharon Siamon had a passion for three things: horses, mountains, and books. She grew up in a rural community with a family too busy for horses, but as a writer of young adult novels, she finally got a chance to combine her three passions. She was inspired to write the Mustang Mountain series after she participated in a trail ride and had a chance to meet young women who grew up on ranches. Sharon has written several novels and series in North America and Europe.
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